Gary Vaynerchuk Said What? #AskGaryVee
Gary Vaynerchuk (also known as Gary V), Entrepreneur, Social Media Expert, Best Selling Author, Public Speaker, Internet Personality, and Wine Library Guru is coming out with his latest Entrepreneurial Book, #ASKGARYVEE on March 8, 2016.

What is the #ASKGARYVEE Book?
The #AskGaryVee Book is a “Modern Day Blueprint” compilation of Vaynerchuk’s ‘take’ on Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness (not to mention among other hot topics: marketing, attention content, company culture, start-ups, legacy, family business, storytelling, jabbing, hustling, and MORE!).
His book answers questions from The #ASKGARYVEE Show found on YouTube,
but with new updates.
To celebrate the upcoming publication, a buzz is beginning! Here is what is coming down the celebration pipes:
#ASKGARYVEE Livestream:
Today Gary will be having an eight hour Livestream on Meercat, Facebook Live, and Periscope…
He will be answering questions live…
There will be special guests on his livestreams… it gets even better…
Gary V has a contest that when you buy 8 of his #ASKGARYVEE books, your name is put into a drawing. Send the receipt by an email they will be providing, and at the end of the 8 hour livestream shows, Gary V will draw a name…
For every 8 books you buy you are entered once more in the contest. (Example: Buy 40 books, and you are entered into the contest 5 times to increase your odds to meet Gary Vaynerchuk).
The winner will be flown to New York and spend an exclusive ONE HOUR interview with him personally (maybe 88 minutes… he’s really into the 8’s right now… March 8th, 8 books, 8 hour livestream, 88 minutes with him???! Going for the 8’s).

So how cool would it be to pitch your ideas with him in your interview?
#ASKGARYVEE Winner Ideas:
Ideas to ask in your interview:
Pitch your ideas with him regarding your business
Ask about restructuring your business
Get a marketing plan
Be on a podcast with Gary Vee
Or how about doing an exclusive You Tube interview?
Vaynerchuk grew his business from $3 million to $50 million a year by 2005. Do you think he just might be able to help you???!
12 Best Ideas to Give Away your #ASKGARYVEE Books:
Give the other 7 (or more) books to your employees, if you are a B2B
Buy for every member of your team if you are an Internet Marketer, or MLM Affiliate
Buy for your future new team members
Give as gifts other Entrepreneurs
Give as gifts to your personal friends and family if they really don’t get the idea of you becoming an Entrepreneur (have any of you experienced that particular challenge?)
Give as gifts to your business bestee friends
Give as gifts to your personal Mastermind Group
Hold your own personal event for your business, and gift as promo reading for Entrepreneurs as a prize
Give as a Gift at a Networking Event
.Christmas Gift (ah, shopping done early!!!)
Birthday Gift
Give as a Gift at a Business Ladies’ Luncheon (how many of you have played “Secret Santa” at the Christmas Luncheon?!)
Be sure to keep one Gary Vaynerchuk book for YOURSELF!
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The Social Media Fired Up! Team
P.S. - If you don’t feel comfortable setting up your social sites, or have only a portion of your social sites set up, or need assistance with the whole “internet marketing thing,” contact your Social Media Fired Up! Team.
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